Department Name
Zakat/Ushr Department Lakki Marwat
About Department
The Zakat and Ushr department Lakki marwat distributing zakat funds to mustehqeen through Local Zakat Committees and govt educational institutions under head Guzara Allowance, Educational stipends. Marriage grant. denimadariss, and provide technical program to the musthiq students.
Organization Structure
The Zakat Department Lakki headed by the Chairman and supported by the District Zakat Officer and other field and permanent staff under the supervision of Secretary Zakat KPK Peshawar. And directly in control of the provincial Government.
The Zakat and Ushr department Lakki marwat distributing zakat funds to mustehqeen through Local Zakat Committees and govt educational institutions under head Guzara Allowance, Educational stipends. Marriage grant. Deni madariss, and provide technical program to the musthiq students. But due to imposing bane on the distribution of zakat fund by the provincial government no function was made during 2018-19 to till date.
To help the needy and deserve people in distributing Zakat fund.
Vision/ Future Plan
After lifting of bane, the Zakat funds will be distributed in prescribed manners as mention above.
Development Projects
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Zakat Department
Lakki Marwat
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Important Notifications
Publications / Policies / Plan / Guidelines
Rules / Regulations
All the Zakat funds released to Local Zakat Committees and institution under Zakat ushr act,2013 and Zakat and ushr Disbursement procedure rules time to time approved by the KP Zakat Council.
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Any other Public Service provided by district government and its department
Procedure Details, Procedure Form, Procedure Price
Publishing officers and employees details, including a description of their powers and functions and their respective remunerations, perks and privileges
Chairman DZC Lakki, a Zakat fund disbursing authority, DZO co-signatory with Chairman DZC.DZO is also the DDO and Staff In charge, Vehicle in charge and also secretary to District Zakat Committee.
Publishing complete information of mega (or all) developmental schemes along with extensive details, targets, milestone and achievements
Zakat funds freeze by the Provincial government since July, 2018.
Vehicle of the department is in worse condition.
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